A divorce lawyer is a legal professional who specialises in handling divorce cases under the jurisdiction of England and Wales. They are trained to help individuals navigate the legal process of ending their marriage, and to represent their clients in court if necessary.
Some of the key responsibilities of a divorce lawyer may include:
- Advising clients on the legal process and requirements for obtaining a divorce under the laws of England and Wales;
- Assisting clients in gathering and presenting evidence in respect of divorce, finances and children matters;
- Negotiating with the other party or their lawyer to reach agreements on issues such as finances and the arrangements for the children;
- Representing clients in court if a settlement cannot be reached and Court proceedings become necessary; and
- Filing the necessary paperwork with the Court in respect of divorce, finances and children act matters.
The process is mostly done via paperwork and correspondence, however, in some cases Court proceedings are still required.
At Wadsworths, we understand what a difficult decision starting divorce proceedings can be not to mention how complex family law can potentially be. We aim to assist you to separate the emotional difficulties involved with the relationship breakdown from the practical issues that must be addressed to make the process as efficient and non-confrontational as we can for you.
If you are considering a divorce or separation and would like to speak to our supportive team, please email us at shirley@wadsworthslaw.co.uk or call your local office (Shirley, Tamworth or Henley-in-Arden). You can also find out further information and meet our team here.