Employment Law

If you are having problems at work, it can be a stressful and daunting process attempting to deal with them yourself, especially if you are facing dismissal or redundancy.

We can help you and offer advice on any issue relating to your employment or engagement with a business. 

In relation to the employment law we provide services for both employers and employees. This includes:

  • Advice on Settlement Agreements.
  • Employment Tribunal representation and advice.
  • Advice regarding disciplinary or grievance related proceedings such as the following:
    • Contractual disputes;
    • Discrimination;
    • Bullying and harassment at work;
    • Public interest disclosure (whistleblowing);
    • Equal pay, wages and working time regulation; and
    • Unfair or wrongful dismissal.
  • Advising regarding managing family rights, including:
    • Maternity, paternity, adoption leave;
    • Shared paternity leave; and
    • Flexible working


    • Flexible working
    • Advice regarding managing sickness absence (short and long term).
    • Drafting and revising Contracts of Employment.
    • Drafting Employee Handbooks or Policies and Procedures.
    • Drafting and revising agreements for self employed workers (individual or corporate).
    • Advising on rights and obligations under Transfer of Undertakings (TUPE) and drafting documents in relation to thereto.
    • Advising regarding redundancies.

Our Charges

Our employment department charges on an hourly basis, from £180 plus VAT (for a Trainee Solicitor), £200 plus VAT (for a Solicitor) and £220 plus VAT (for a Senior Solicitor).

Our legal charges for each matter will range depending on the complexity of each case and at what stage of the tribunal process we are instructed. If we are instructed from the outset (i.e. from Early Conciliation) to the conclusion of an Employment Tribunal trial, our fees will usually range from £2,000 – £15,000 plus VAT (at 20%).

We can advise clients on an ad hoc basis if needed at various stages of the Employment Tribunal process – for example, if the client wishes us to prepare and submit the Early Conciliation Notification form on their behalf.

Potential Disbursement Costs

Likely disbursements can include the Court fee which is either £160 or £250 depending on the type of claim, Counsel’s fees and on occasion a Medical Expert’s fee if the case relates to returning to work, long term sick, or disability and a Medical Expert is required.

Counsel’s fees vary based upon the complexity of the case. Counsel’s fees are likely to be in region of £500 to £7,000 plus VAT depending if it is just advice on an ad hoc basis or more extensive Counsel involvement such as representation and trial.

Key Stages and Anticipated Timescales

If Wadsworths are instructed to bring a claim on behalf of either an Employer or Employee from start to finish this would include the following key stages:

  • EARLY ACAS CONCILIATION – this usually lasts 4 weeks. This includes taking the client’s initial instructions, submitting an Early Conciliation Notification form and then with ACAS in relation to the potential dispute. ACAS act as a mediator between the Employee and the Employer during this stage to see if an agreement can be reached without having to issue a claim at Employment Tribunal.

  • BRINGING A CLAIM/THE RESPONSE – If Wadsworths are acting on behalf of the Claimant then we would at this stage draft the ET1 form to start the claims process with the Employment Tribunal against the Respondent. If Wadsworths are acting for the Respondent then we would receive the ET1 from the Claimant or their Solicitors and would file the Response (ET3) within 28 days of receipt.

  • THE SIFT – After the response has been accepted, the case will be refereed to an Employment Judge to consider next steps from the papers submitted. The Judge will consider whether any parts of the claim should be struck out and would write to the parties accordingly. Wadsworths would deal with any enquiries raised by the Judge on behalf of the either the Claimant or Respondent.

  • RESPONSE FROM TRIBUNAL – Directions – The Judge will set a hearing date with a timetable of directions setting out what needs to be done and when by both parties. We would advise our client of this timetable and ensure all documentation is submitted in accordance with the Judge’s directions.

  • PRELIMINARY HEARING – This is to clarify the issues of the claim at hand. The parties will seek to agree the appropriate directions with dates. The parties will look to list the matter for trial. If appropriate the parties will consider judicial mediation which is usually offered by the tribunal for cases lasting 4 days or more (more complex cases). The Judge will ask the Claimant to provide a Schedule of Loss. We assist Claimants in preparing Schedules of Loss based upon their circumstances and how much loss they have incurred as a result of the Respondent’s actions.
  • DISCLOSURE AND INSPECTION – Both parties send to one another a bundle of documentation relevant to the case. The other side may request copies of documents for “inspection” which means they are asking for copies of the documents that have not been provided by the other party. There are strict deadlines for disclosure and inspection and therefore we assist clients in preparation of these bundles to ensure that the deadlines are met.
  • WITNESS STATEMENT – each person that intends to give evidence at the Tribunal must prepare a Witness Statement. It must usually be exchanged before the hearing. We assist clients in drafting Witness Statements and ensuring that they meet the proper court format.
  • TRIAL PREPARATION – This includes a pre-trial conference which is often helpful for the witnesses to meet with the person representing them in advance. It also may include negotiation as settlement can occur at any time. We assist clients in negotiating with the other side to ensure that the client’s needs are being met and advising on any offers received.
  • TRIAL – The length of the Trial will vary from case to case. We assist clients with representation at Trial alongside Counsel.

“Very friendly and helpful throughout the process, which was dealt with very quickly and without any issues. Explained everything in plain English before I signed any paperwork, which was great. Thank you Hannah and Sophie.”

Trustpilot, October 2024

Employment Shirley

“Empathic, helpful and prompt support provided by Hannah & Princee at the Shirley Office. Fully recommend.”

Trustpilot, June 2024

Employment Shirley

“Responded quickly to a request for employment contract advice. Sound advice helped with my successful negotiation with two separate companies.”

Trustpilot, April 2024

Employment Shirley

“Wadsworths assisted me with a Settlement Agreement with my employer. They were really helpful and efficient and the whole process went really smoothly. I would definitely recommend them.”

Yell.com, March 2024

Settlement Agreement Shirley
Settlement Agreement

“I recently worked with the Wadsworths team to finalise a Settlement Agreement, and I am pleased to say it was a smooth and efficient process. The team promptly confirmed the receipt of my employer’s signed Agreement and assured me of the binding nature of our agreement.

I want to express my gratitude for the professional and timely manner in which my case was handled. The entire team, especially Hannah Halden and Princee Patel, demonstrated a commitment to excellence, ensuring that all aspects of the Agreement were addressed with precision. I highly recommend their services and appreciate the seamless resolution they provided.

Thank you once again for your outstanding service.”

Yell.com and TrustPilot December 2023

Employment Shirley

Meet Our Employment Law Team

Our Employment Team is supervised by  Alexandra Tait (Director).

Hannah Gordon

Sophie-Ann Rooney

Trainee Solicitor




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