Welcoming Sara to our Wills and LPA Team!

Welcoming Sara to our Wills and LPA Team!

Wadsworths are excited to announce the arrival of new solicitor Sara Atkinson! Sara is a Law and Business graduate who qualified as a Solicitor in 2007, having gained her Legal Practice Certificate from the College of Law in Birmingham. She has experience in several...
Who would manage your business if you couldn’t!?

Who would manage your business if you couldn’t!?

Have you EVER considered what would happen to your business if you were suddenly unable to manage it yourself? WHO would be legally entitled and able to manage the day to day running of your business should you lose mental capacity? Business Lasting Powers of Attorney...
Mike Wadsworth becomes a Director!

Mike Wadsworth becomes a Director!

We are delighted to announce that Michael Wadsworth has joined the Wadsworths Board of Directors, alongside John Wadsworth and Alexandra Tait. Michael, known as Mike, joined the firm in 2002 and now heads up Wadsworths’ Wills and Lasting Power of Attorney Department....